Reunion Ride With My Old Girl

I had a date with an old girl-friend yesterday.  Yup, Stella and I went out riding for the first time in several years.  That steel 26″ hard-tail 2002 Brodie Catalyst and I got off to a bit of an awkward start, however, all fumbling around, kind of unsure how old lovers are supposed to act around each other.

Her geometry is quite different from Isabelle, the Moots, and the cock-pit was, well, uncomfortable.  Narrow, straight handle-bars and round grips[I’m a convert to those comfy ergon grips] felt rather peculiar.  She’s also got a rapid-rise rear derailleur, so yes, there were a few mis-shifts; non gear-heads will just have to research that little feature.  The fork kinda wheezed at times and it sure ain’t a Lefty.  And those tiny little wheels, oh so cute.  In fact, there were all three of the contemporary wheel sizes out for yesterday’s ride; 26″, 27.5″ and 29″. The three of us kept making comments like those superlative-laden bicycle magazine test-ride articles.

The first part of the ride–the pre-hospital lap–I was having all sorts of troubles as I tried to remember how to ride this bike and on those narrow, tight, twitchy Macaulay Mountain single-track trails.  By the time we’d returned to the trails, I was feeling good and having a great time with Stella, my old girl.  She handles those narrow trails so well and I was able to zipp up all the little climbs with the greatest of ease.

Stella has served me well over the years and has a few dents to prove it.  And while I enjoyed the reunion, riding this old girl certainly reminded me why I moved on to my Moots, Isabelle, my true love.

Stella, my old girl.

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26″, 27.5″, 29″