Opportunities Lost, Lessons Gained

When I was in college, there was this girl I was enchanted by.  We’d make eye contact from across the lecture theatre and I’d bashfully turn away.  It wasn’t until the very last day of class that I got the nerve to introduce myself.  She told me how she was leaving town the next day to start her career.  “Oh, I’m sorry I won’t get to know more of you.”  I said.  “Well, that’s what you get for waiting'” she replied a little sadly.

Sure, she could have approached me earlier in the year but the message was clear; take a chance, jump at opportunities when they come your way, don’t wait to live.  Cuz life is short and on my death bed, I do not want to say “I regret that I never….”  Last week I was suddenly presented with an incredible yet urgent job opportunity; to work as a bike mechanic for a well-known Canadian cycle-touring company in their Beaune, France office.

When I first read the e-mail my pal Mark had sent my way, I scoffed; “I’m not going to France, certainly not in a weeks time!  I’ve got obligations here in Salida.  Nope, not a chance.”   But why not, really?  Why not at least apply for the job?  I can always turn it down but I can’t get accepted if I don’t apply.  I thought about the girl from college.  Within fifteen minutes, I had changed my tune.  The next day I had contacted my references, put together an updated resume and cover letter and sent my application to the Director of Human Resources.

Several days later, I finally got word from the Director of European Operations; “At present we have decided not to fill this position from North America, and take a candidate local to our Beaune office”  Damn.

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So take a chance, do something novel or out of your comfort zone.  Ask out that cute boy, apply for that amazing job, climb that intimidating mountain, explore new places; whatever it is, just don’t die regretting you never gave it a shot.

