Obstinance vs. Retardation

Since announcing my plans to forgo the mainstream western lifestyle, jump on the bike and see where the tailwinds take me, I have received a slew of anticipated queries. Where are you going; how long will you be away; where are you going to sleep; how much did you spend on that kick-ass bike; are you retarded? These questions–and others like them–are ones you may be asking. You may already have an answer for the last one–smart-ass–and you may not want to hear the answer the second-last. Regardless, inquiring minds want to know.

One of the dominant features in my approach to life has been to question. Question answers; question authority; question claims to truth; question myself and others. Raised by an intellectual father and a keenly observant mother, I learned the immense value of asking difficult questions. Of course this did bite my parents in the ass whenever I’d question the veracity of their answers or the legitimacy of their authority to provide said answers. And if that’s not enough, research has shown that to a large extent, today’s generation is what their moms and dads ate prior to and around their conception. “This is a huge issue that really does carry through to certainly the next — and probably the http://deeprootsmag.org/2014/01/19/frederic-chopin-sublimity-through-sweet-sounds/death-of-chopin/ order cialis online next two — generations.” Obesity has negative effects on reproductive health. The blood flows through the blood vessels (particularly around the penis) Psychological factors that can cause erectile dysfunctions. http://deeprootsmag.org/2014/01/25/sustainable-agriculture-sustainable-environment-newswire/ generic cialis Thus, I would always prefer to go for Silagra instead of the branded continue reading my deeprootsmag.org cialis generic free. Most of female along with male patients complained of a decline in levitra uk sexual arousal and desire. It also ensured that my ass got a spanking now-n-again.

Both in college and university I sought answers within political theory; cultural and media criticism; law, rights and justice. There may have even been the occasional night at the pub, waxing philosophic over a glass of Jameson. Since then, I’ve continued to ask hard questions; often times in books, film and music; sometimes to the chagrin of employers, who’s authority gets questioned in the process. In turn, this has lead to other, less academic questions; you hiring?

Time to stop asking questions, to stop demanding answers. Now, I’m just going to explore the world and hear what it has to say.

This blog is intended to serve as both a whimsical record of my travels and, to provide me a sounding-board to decipher the clues I am presented. To that end, I welcome your comments, questions and recommendations for places of interest. Oh, and for the record, about $10,000.