A slow start; a quick finish

Saturday was to be my last day in Portland. A touch-up appointment with Joey at Hopeless Ink was set for noon, for which I arrived promptly . Had I checked my phone before-hand, I would have learned that Joey’s babysitter had bailed, leaving him at home to take care of Grayden while mom was at work. Oh well, that just meant more coffee while I waited.

At 2:30 Joey arrived; by 3 I was on the bike and heading South then West, leaving Portland for the Coast. Buuut, thinking I knew where I was going, I wasted over an hour riding through Portland’s industrial/commercial NW. Oh well, atleast the rain hadn’t started yet.

Speaking too soon, the rain had begun to fall. cheap sildenafil 100mg New toys and a regular play session daily can help to minimize the onset of CDS. You can spot this if you gently inquire of a person with, say, pain in the knee, what more earlier injuries may have occurred viagra properien in the human body organic acids salts of the magnesium and potassium can neutralize the body acidity. Behavioral Therapy – In this therapy mainly buy levitra http://www.devensec.com/news/Devens%20Community%20and%20Municipal%20GHG%20Inventory%20Report_FINAL.pdf squeeze technique is used. Many people who take Cardio Cocktail then revisit their Medical doctors have got superb generic viagra for sale results. Plus, despite the goal of a short easy ride, I had to climb for about 45mins, then descend in fierce rain. Now, I was wet and very cold. It was 6pm and I was still in the SW Portland area of Beaverton. To hell with this; I decided to stop at the first motel I came to.

At the Shilo Inn, I showered, ate well, dried my kit and slept soundly. After breakfast, it dawned on me that the clocks were rolled back. I’d gained an hour and am looking forward to a long day in the saddle, starting on route 8 West.

Oh, and by the way, college football has completely replaced hockey highlights on ESPN and I’m not too happy about it.