The Cooler Head Prevails

Sunday was a new day. And thank goodness, considering how immature I’d behaved the day before when getting lost, twice. Reflecting on the day’s trials that night, I realised a few things:
1–The reason I got lost the first time was because I didn’t see the NCN Route sign; my fault.
2–The reason I got lost the second time was because I didn’t have my route firmly mapped out. In fact, I didn’t even have a map that showed me where I was going; mostly I was going on what I thought was correct. Basically, I assumed I knew where I was going; my error.
3–As dbt once wisely said while I was traveling the US Pacific coast, “You knew there would be days like this.” Curse you for being right.
4–Who knows what is good or bad.
Having reconciled all the above, I kept one thing in mind; Sunday was a new day.

On the bike by around 9am, I was soon leaving Portadown, a staunchly Orange town. Making my way north along an otherwise empty country road, I came across not one police vehicle, not two, not even three. About half a dozen police vehicles and heavily armed police constables had set-up a road block just down from the local Protestant Church. Despite some fellow grunting at me “they won’t let you go by; got the road blocked”, I rolled up to the first cop and greeted him politely. He and I chatted for a minute or two about where I was going, where I was from, did I have wet weather gear, etc. We both agreed that the sunny weather would make my ride that much more pleasant. He confirmed that the officers down the road would let me pass on by. All very cordial. So, Irene and I rode past the Church, another road-block and several more police cars further down the road. ED can also harm your heart Erectile click this link now order cheap levitra dysfunction is not very common in men. The improvement in the cellular health, the tissues start functioning more effectively. viagra online check that shop Fourth, serious complications Lots of serious complications also can be caused by this disease such as prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, impotence, premature ejaculation. 5.Pay attention to the hygiene of sexual organs just as women do, especially men with long redundant prepuce should clear away the buy viagra without smegma frequently. Such symptoms can cialis tablets for sale greatly affect the sexual desire or interfere during intercourse. Welcome to Northern Ireland, the Sunday before July 12, otherwise known as The Twelfth.

All morning, I was following NC Route #94 knowing that eventually, it would join up with Route #95. The two would run together for several miles, before #94 would head east while #95 would take me northwest towards Crookstown. All I had to do was keep an eye open for that split; the point where I would turn left and continue along #95. Easy.

Then, of course, it happened; I noticed a sign on the road I was traveling no longer indicating both Routes 94 and 95, but just #94. I’d missed my turn. Rather than getting upset, I applied what I’d learned the day before. Turn around and return to where I last saw the sign for both Routes. Then, figure out where I’d missed my turn. Retracing my path for about 2kms, I returned to an intersection where I did see a sign pointing down the road I’d come from, indicating both Route #’s 94 and 95. Despite there not being a sign telling me to head north, I was fairly certain this was the place. Calmly, yet with confidence, I made the turn and began heading north. A few minutes later I passed a sign that did indeed, tell me that I was on Route #95. If you click on this link and look at the map near Stewartstown, you can see where I turned around, then went North. This time when I yelled, it was a celebratory “YES! Well done, Bowling!”